Kamis, 03 April 2014


Indonesia Facing Issues Microeconomics

Thursday, October 15, 2009 | 6:58 pm
JAKARTA , KOMPAS.com - economic problems facing Indonesia is not a macro-economic problem , but a micro-economic issues . Which can solve these problems is the engineer not an economist . It was submitted Ichsan , Vice President and Economist of Standard Chartered . " The challenge there is in the field of micro- economics , " he said he was in Jakarta , Wednesday ( 14/10 ) night .These problems , among other issues continued development of infrastructure such as toll roads and port gateway entry of foreign exchange . In addition , he stated , yet uneven development of power generation in Indonesia is also one of Indonesia's economic problems that need attention . Because electricity is the driving force of the economy . " All that can be addressed by experts in the field of project and development , " he said .Other micro issues , Fauzi is further land acquisition problems that have often become major problems between developers and residents . Not to transparency in the use of the tax levy is also one of the economic problems facing Indonesia . According to him , the issue of land acquisition and the tax levy can only be solved by local governments , not the ministers who sit in government .Fauzi said that all these issues must be resolved . The investors are mainly investorsThe new alien will invest if it gets clarity on the economic side . " Indonesia is very potential for investment , but which investors are willing to invest if the infrastructure is not yet clear , " said Fauzi .

The response :That in the mentioned problem of the article is microeconomic issues regarding development , land acquisition problems , and yet the use of transparency in the tax levy . Microeconomics as the foundation of the economy should not be overlooked as a stable micro economy can be used as capital in the global competition . Microeconomics be a reflection of economic conditions in the country that could be an attraction other countries . Therefore , the third discourse these problems must be solved .One solution to overcome the problem of construction of government that can make Indonesia the main attraction of other countries is equalization . The fact today , centered in Java development . Starting from the government , penfifikan , economics . While other areas of development is not as advanced as the areas in Java . So until whenever Indonesia will never advance if construction is not evenly distributed . The government is trying to reduce that population urbanization evenly , but areas outside Java is not built then no doubt , many residents who returned to the island of Java .Lahanpun acquisition problem is not as important as issues of equity . It inhibits development . In this case , the communication between developers and residents should ditingatkan . Organized coordination on the part of the developer and the citizens must continue to exists . Because the other hand , people do not want to be harmed over the liberation of their land .Not to transparency in the use of the tax levy may be a gap in the misuse of tax funds . Misuse of tax funds , will add a series of new problems . Therefore , the government should periodically report . So rakyatpun know , the extent to which the distribution of the tax levy back to the people .

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