Kamis, 19 Juni 2014

TUGAS SOFTSKILLS2(permasalahan ekonomi di indonesia dan tanggapan nya)

Indonesia Facing Issues Microeconomics

Economic problems facing Indonesia is not a macroeconomic problem, but the problem microeconomics. Which can solve these problems is the engineer not an economist. It was submitted Ichsan, Vice President and Economist of Standard Chartered. "The challenge there is in the field of micro-economics," he said he was in Jakarta, Wednesday (14/10) night.
These problems, among other issues continued development of infrastructure such as toll roads and port gateway entry of foreign exchange. In addition, he stated, yet uneven development of power generation in Indonesia is also one of Indonesia's economic problems that need attention. Because electricity is the driving force of the economy. "All that can be addressed by experts in the field of project and development," he said.
Other micro issues, Fauzi is further land acquisition problems that have often become major problems between developers and residents. Not to transparency in the use of the tax levy is also one of the economic problems facing Indonesia. According to him, the issue of land acquisition and the tax levy can only be solved by local governments, not the ministers who sit in government.
Fauzi said that all these issues must be resolved. Investors are mainly investors
The new alien will invest if it gets clarity on the economic side. "Indonesia is very potential for investment, but which investors are willing to invest if the infrastructure is not yet clear," said Fauzi.

The response:
That in the mentioned problem of the article is microeconomic issues regarding development, land acquisition problems, and yet the use of transparency in the tax levy. Microeconomics as the foundation of the economy should not be overlooked as a stable micro economy can be used as capital in the global competition. Microeconomics be a reflection of economic conditions in the country that could be an attraction other countries. Therefore, the third discourse these problems must be solved.
One solution to overcome the problem of construction of government that can make Indonesia the main attraction is the equity of other countries. The fact today, centered in Java development. Starting from the government, penfifikan, economics. While other areas of development is not as advanced as the areas in Java. So until whenever Indonesia will never advance if construction is not evenly distributed. The government is trying to reduce that population urbanization evenly, but areas outside Java is not built then no doubt, many residents who returned to the island of Java.
Lahanpun acquisition problem is not as important as issues of equity. It inhibits development. In this case, the communication between developers and residents should ditingatkan. Organized coordination on the part of the developer and the citizens must continue to exists. Because the other hand, people do not want to be harmed over the liberation of their land.
Not to transparency in the use of the tax levy may be a gap in the misuse of tax funds. Misuse of tax funds, will add a series of new problems. Therefore, the government should periodically report. So know, the extent to which the distribution of the tax levy back to the people.

1.Who can solve the problems of the micro economy?
answer: engineers
2.What are its economic problems in Indonesia?
answer: The problem of infrastructure development, land acquisition problems, not transparency in the tax levy.
3. When fauzi express an opinion?
answer: on Wednesday in Jakarta
4.Why investors not to invest in Indonesia?
answer: because the facilities and infrastructures are provided in Indonesia is not yet clear
5. Who should handle the issue of land acquisition and the tax levy?
answer: government
6.Why should the Indonesian government to foreign investors willing to invest their shares in Indonesia?
answers: Fix all problems in all sectors of the economy and provide facilities and infrastructures for investors